anjing ireland bahasa Inggris
- anjing: bet across the board; betted across the board;
- ireland: irish republic; irish; ireland; hibernia;
- anjing pemburu serigala ireland: irish wolfhound
- baka anjing berasal dari ireland: dog breeds originating in ireland
- ireland: irish republic; irish; ireland; hibernia; republic of ireland; eire; emerald isle
- anjing: bet across the board; betted across the board; betting across the board; cub; dog; hound; pooch; dogs; canine; stinker; watchdog; she dog; so-and-so; domestic dog; stinkpot; canid; rat; scuzzball; k
- bahasa ireland: irish; irish language
- bangsa ireland: irish people
- ekonomi ireland: economy of the republic of ireland
- filem ireland: irish films
- genealogi ireland: irish genealogy
- geografi ireland: geography of ireland
- historiografi ireland: historiography of ireland
- ireland utara: northern ireland
- kebudayaan ireland: irish culture